Crisis Action annual report 2017 cover - two girls in a bombed-out building in Syria

Case Study

Crisis Action: a long-term design and development partnership

“Lumpy Lemon have been our perfect online partner. Patient when we screw up, propositional when we don’t know what we need, friendly and efficient at all times”

Conor O’Loughlin, Director of Communications

Crisis Action work in conflict zones across the world, protecting civilians in unimaginably challenging conditions. Their role is catalyst, convenor and coalition builder. They don’t seek the media spotlight or a public profile.

Back in 2004, when they launched, they were looking for a web developer that they could grow with. Someone who could match their flexibility, responsiveness and collaborative approach. And could take all digital burden from their shoulders. Over 15 years later, I’m delighted to continue to be their primary partner.

Easing the digital burden

Developing deep, long-lasting working relationships brings many benefits, including consistency, understanding and timesaving.

Lumpy Lemon have taken on all the technicalities and intricacies of Crisis Action’s website development, management and maintenance.

My approach – based on long-term collaboration and regular, clear communication – has delivered real results. I’ve worked with a variety of external design teams, sometimes with very quick turnarounds. Presentation is diverse and innovative, and the websites are consistently fast and stable.

As well as looking after Crisis Action’s main multilingual WordPress website, I’ve recently developed:

Making my clients’ lives as easy as possible is a key aim of every project I work on.

We decided to give each publication its own ‘microsite’ within the main website. This reduces technical complexity and simplifies the editorial processes, as there is just one WordPress site to maintain and update. Each site retains its own distinct design and typography, closely aligned with its printed version.

The main website and annual reports are multilingual (currently English, French and Arabic) to cater for Crisis Action’s key audiences. This also extends to the WordPress backend, allowing the global editorial team to quickly and easily manage content.

Crisis Action website screenshots showing English, French and Arabic versions

The end result is that Crisis Action’s unique approach to their vital work has been seen by a far larger and wider audience than would have been possible only in print, or in one language.

Freedom to focus

Developing deep, long-lasting working relationships brings so many benefits, including consistency, understanding and timesaving.

When your team are having to respond quickly to protect human life across the world, it’s important that you can focus on your core goals without distraction. The same is true if you’re growing your business, or running an NHS Trust.

Crisis Action’s project managers are never overburdened with too much technical detail or time-consuming communication, but they know everything is in good hands.

Making my clients’ lives as easy as possible is one of my key aims of every partnership. I’d love to hear about your project ideas, and see if there’s a way we can work together. Please get in touch below.

Interested in working together?

I’d love to hear from you, but please read my pricing & information page first. If that all sounds good, get in touch so we can discuss bringing your ideas to life. You can call me on 0779 629 2129, email me at, or send a message using the form:

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